The microphone is on. The lights come up. The music kicks in. You see the crowd start nodding their heads. You’re ready for your moment, and when it’s time to sing… nothing. You’ve forgotten the lyrics. Karaoke fail. But this doesn’t have to be you! There’s a few simple ways to turn your karaoke failure into a rousing success.
First, check a list of the most popular songs from Lucky Voice Karaoke. Not only will you recognize a lot of the songs, so will the crowd! Giving a good performance starts with the crowd getting into it. Nothing is worse than picking a favorite of yours and seeing the confusion on the crowd’s face thinking, “what is this song?”
Next, you’ll want to practice. You may think you sound great in the shower or the car, but sometimes that’s a little misleading. Try setting up the voice memo on your iPhone, then practicing with headphones on. Go back and listen to yourself. Don’t worry, everyone hates the sound of their own voice, but if you can find a song that you’re pretty comfortable with, the crowd will likely love it a lot more than you do! If you can do it on your phone, you can certainly do it on the stage.
Finally, don’t be shy! Crowds feed off of your energy. You can sing a song perfectly while standing completely still, and the crowd may not be too interested. Use your surroundings and the crowd to amp up your performance. Sing a verse or two to a random crowd member. Encourage people to clap their hands. Dance a little. Give them something to talk about!
With these tips, you’ll never give a boring karaoke performance again. So next Saturday, you’ll be very well prepared to rock the entire room!